Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Sriwijaya Journal of Sport
Sriwijaya Journal of Sport

This issue has been available online since October 31, 2024, for the regular issue of October 2024. It includes 6 research articles authored or co-authored by 17 authors from Indonesia and 3 from Malaysia.

Research Articles

Muhammad Al-Basit Fahmi Jasli, Nor Fadila Kasim, Fairus Fariza Zainudin (Author)
The acute effect of dynamic warm-up at different intensities for jumping performance
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.6
Wendy Arizona, Destriana Destriana, Imam Kurniawan (Author)
Problem Based Learning: Can it improve football passing skills?
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.1
Mochamad Azhar Ilmi, Himawan Wismanadi, Noortje Anita Kumaat, Joesoef Roepajadi, Moh. Turi (Author)
The influence of gender on the perception of justice in the distribution of sports facilities
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.10
I Gede Yogi Wijendra, Made Agus Wijaya, Kadek Yogi Parta Lesmana (Author)
Implementation of collaborative teamwork learning model to improve basketball passing learning outcomes
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.5
Puguh Satya Hasmara, Basuki Basuki, Ilmul Ma'arif, Guntum Budi Prasetyo (Author)
The effect of discovery learning on chest pass learning outcomes in basketball games
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.9
Bagus Nur Andika Putra, Risfandi Setyawan, Basuki Basuki (Author)
Survey of the readiness of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers in implementing the Emancipated Curriculum at the education unit level of Senior High School
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55379/sjs.v4i1.8